Public Library of Science
pone.0194781.g004.tif (237.87 kB)

hFOB growth in vitro recorded at multiple time points under various Anxa2 protein concentrations (0-200ng/ml).

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posted on 2018-03-23, 17:30 authored by Xu Zhou, Long-Fei Wu, Wen-Yu Wang, Xin Lu, Zhen-Huan Jiang, Yun-Hong Zhang, Ding-Hua Jiang, Jian-Nong Jiang, Hong-Qing Gao, Shu-Feng Lei, Fei-Yan Deng

Presented are cell indexes (CI) monitored for 36 hours in cell growth assay. The data is described as mean±SD. It reflected the inverse U-shaped effect of Anxa2 protein on hFOB growth at each representative time point (P = 0.0064).
