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microRNA-21 in the PDAC stroma is expressed in activated myofibroblasts.

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posted on 2013-08-22, 02:24 authored by Brian E. Kadera, Luyi Li, Paul A. Toste, Nanping Wu, Curtis Adams, David W. Dawson, Timothy R. Donahue

(A) miR-21 in situ hybridization and co-immunofluorescence for α-SMA and nestin on serial sections of two human PDAC tumors (Whipple resection - WR 22 & 28) reveals miR-21 expression in a subset of activated myofibroblasts, not exclusive to stellate cells (nestin positive). miR-21 positive staining is white in the merge. (B) High-power magnification (40x) again reveals miR-21 expression in a subset of α-SMA expressing myofibroblasts. Vimentin, a marker for quiescent fibroblasts, does not localize with miR-21.
