Public Library of Science
pgen.1010644.s006.tif (3.28 MB)

st mutants exhibit altered oxidative stress signaling and w;;st mutants exhibit more intense staining of an indicator for reactive oxygen species (ROS).

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posted on 2023-03-23, 18:26 authored by Sarita Hebbar, Sofia Traikov, Catrin Hälsig, Elisabeth Knust

A: Bars represent mean fold-change in head mRNA levels normalized with mRNA of a reference gene (gapdh1). A panel of 10 genes annotated as oxidative stress response genes is shown on the X-axis. Fold change in st1/st1 (orange) was calculated with ΔΔCt method with respect to mRNA levels of control/wild-type (+/+; red), which were set to 1. Experiment was done in triplicates and * indicate significant differences in fold-change calculated with a Student’s t-test, p<0.05. B-C: Images of whole tissue preparations of adult wndelT (B) and wndelT;;st1/+ (C) eyes labelled with Dihydroethidium (DHE), an indicator for reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Robinson, Janes et al., 2006). DHE staining intensity appears to be higher in wndelT;;st1/+ (C) as compared to wndelT (B). Distal and proximal ends of the retina are indicated and one ommatidium is outlined with a dotted line.

