Public Library of Science
pntd.0005962.g007.tif (742.28 kB)

Taenia solium peptide recognition by cysticercotic and non cysticercotic pig sera through ELISA.

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posted on 2017-09-25, 17:31 authored by José Navarrete-Perea, Marta Isasa, Joao A. Paulo, Ricardo Corral-Corral, Jeanette Flores-Bautista, Beatriz Hernández-Téllez, Raúl J. Bobes, Gladis Fragoso, Edda Sciutto, Xavier Soberón, Steven P. Gygi, Juan P. Laclette

A) Peptides from central nervous system, B) skeletal muscle abundant proteins, C) constitutive proteins and D) cysts protein extracts. Microtiter plates were coated with the peptides or extracts and incubated with sera from non cysticercotic (n = 15) and cysticercotic (n = 15) pigs, all bred in rural endemic areas. The normalized optical density (O.D.) is the result of dividing each individual O.D. by the cut-off value (mean value of non cysticercotic pigs plus two standard deviations). P-values are shown at the top of each figure.
