Public Library of Science
pone.0292636.g005.tif (3.68 MB)

Krommaster from the Baviaanskloof Formation, Upper Unit, Cape Supergroup, Table Mountain Group, Eastern Cape South Africa.

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posted on 2023-10-25, 17:25 authored by Caitlin Reddy, Ben Thuy, Mhairi Reid, Robert Gess

Holotype AM18222: A) Microscopic close-up of the proximal portion of the arm in the oral view, B) the counter aboral), and C) oral side view of the entire specimen, spines on the disk and arms (Abbreviations: Amb: Ambulacral; Adm: Adambulacral; DS: Disk spine; LAS: Lateral arm spine; MAO: Mouth angled ossicle; PS: Periradial suture; SoMP: Spine on marginal plate; SoDA: Spine on dorsal arm; TrF: Transverse furrow; M: Margin.
