Public Library of Science
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In vitro hepatocytes and neurons injury scores for BNIPSpd (9) by HCS.

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posted on 2018-01-22, 18:31 authored by Luís Gaspar, Ross P. Coron, Paul KongThoo Lin, David M. Costa, Begoña Perez-Cabezas, Joana Tavares, Meritxell Roura-Ferrer, Isbaal Ramos, Céline Ronin, Louise L. Major, Fabrice Ciesielski, Iain K. Pemberton, Jane MacDougall, Paola Ciapetti, Terry K. Smith, Anabela Cordeiro-da-Silva

The score was calculated as the sum of individual scores obtained from a panel of in vitro cytotoxicity assays that include: mitochondrial dysfunction measured by TMRM probe dynamics in cells; membrane integrity assayed by lactate dehydrogenase quantification; DNA damage by imaging with H2AX antibody; apoptosis by caspase 3/7 activation; and neurite outgrowth as imaged with an anti-tubulin III antibody. Nimesulide (400 μM), an approved drug with a mild toxicological profile, was included as a toxicity control.
