Public Library of Science
pone.0219655.g005.tif (659.24 kB)

Ex vivo PA imaging results.

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posted on 2019-07-15, 17:31 authored by Joel W. Y. Tan, Mikhail D. Murashov, Gus R. Rosania, Xueding Wang

CFZ-HCl NP signal normalized to the THb signal for prostates of (A) diluent injected TRAMP mice (DIL-TMP), (B) CFZ-HCl NP injected normal mice (CFZ-NOR), and (C) CFZ-HCl NP injected TRAMP mice (CFZ-TMP). Color bars indicates the CFZ-HCl NP signal normalized to the THb signal as determined by the two-wavelength unmixing. (D) Mean normalized CFZ-HCl NP signal for each group within the organ boundaries as delineated by the US image (shown in the representative images as a white dotted line). * p-value < 0.05, ** p-value < 0.01.
