Public Library of Science
pgen.1009441.s002.tif (6.05 MB)

Donson deletion in the Emx1 lineage reduces the size of the early dorsomedial pallium.

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posted on 2021-03-19, 17:36 authored by Sathish Venkataramanappa, Dagmar Schütz, Friederike Saaber, Praveen Ashok Kumar, Philipp Abe, Stefan Schulz, Ralf Stumm

(A,B) Images show Nissl-stained serial coronal sections of the telencephalon for Emx1-cKO mice (cKO) and control littermates (ctrl) at E11.5 and E12.5 from rostral to caudal. The dorsomedial telencephalon of E12.5 cKO mice is of regular size at E11.5 (a.), but exhibits a prominent size reduction at mid and caudal sectional planes at E12.5. Insets in (b.) demonstrate cells in the dorsal pallium at high magnification, note presumptive apoptotic bodies in the cKO (arrowheads). The mGE, lGE, cGE, and thalamus appear normal in cKO mice. (C) High magnifications show Nissl-stained E11.5 dorsal telencephalon and overlying the cranium. (D) CC3 immunofluorescence in E11.5 dorsal pallium. Abbreviations: DP, dorsal pallium; MP, medial pallium; mGE, lGE, and cGE, medial, lateral, and caudal ganglionic eminence; Th, thalamus; VZ, ventricular zone. Scale bars: 200 μm (a. and b.); 160 μm (c.), 25 μm (d.).

