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Weight-loss progression during the 30-weeks of treatment stratified by emotional eating based on EEQ classification.

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posted on 2014-06-06, 02:46 authored by Gemma López-Guimerà, Hassan S. Dashti, Caren E. Smith, David Sánchez-Carracedo, Jose M. Ordovas, Marta Garaulet

Weight-loss analyses within each single time point among the four classifications indicated significant differences exist (P = 0.03). Weight-loss progression differed significantly between the ‘very emotional eaters’ group and the three other groups (‘emotional eaters’, ‘low emotional eaters’, and ‘non-emotional eaters’) (P<0.05). The rate of weight-loss, as assessed by the slope of the weight-loss curves, also differed between the highly emotional group and the other groups (−0.002 vs. −0.003, P<0.05).
