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WBSCR22 interaction with TRMT112 is conserved in mammals and yeast.

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posted on 2015-07-27, 03:15 authored by Kadri Õunap, Lilian Leetsi, Maarja Matsoo, Reet Kurg

Analysis of bud23Δ yeast strain complemented with human WBSCR22, its point mutants WBSCR22-D117A and WBSCR22-KT/AA and MTD containing WBSCR22 methyltransferase domain. (A) For growth dilution assays, cultures were grown overnight and diluted to final optical density at OD600 0.1, from which further 10-fold serial dilutions were spotted. Plates were incubated at 30°C for 3 days. (B) Polysome profiles of bud23Δ carrying plasmids for Bud23, WBSCR22, WBSCR22-D117A, WBSCR22-KT/AA, WBSCR22-MTD or vector as a control. Cell lysates were centrifuged on 10–45% sucrose gradient. Absorbance at 254 nm was measured across the gradient, and the positions corresponding to the 40S, 60S and 80S ribosomal particles are indicated.
