Total daily activity and nocturnal activity in intact and DMH lesion rats.
A. Group mean daily activity counts in intact rats (solid black bars), low-dose ibotenic acid lesion rats (stripped bars) and high-dose lesion rats (white bars), during adlib food access in LD and constant dark (DD), during 2 days of total food deprivation (FD) prior to daytime restricted feeding, during the last 5-day block of the 20-day daytime restricted feeding (RFL-B4), during total food deprivation after daytime restricted feeding (RFL-FD), during the last 5-day block of nightime restricted feeding (RFD-B4) and during the food deprivation that immediately following nighttime restricted feeding (RFD-FD). B. Nocturnality ratios of activity data from each group under the same 7 food access conditions as in Panel A. Significant differences (p<.05) relative to the intact group within each condition are denoted by a star.