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Figure_4.tif (6.26 MB)

Topographies of changes in the power spectra averaged for all trials and participants (relative to baseline from −1 to −0.6 s with respect to the movement onset) in the (A) , (B) and (C) frequency bands.

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posted on 2013-04-17, 01:18 authored by Javier M. Antelis, Luis Montesano, Ander Ramos-Murguialday, Niels Birbaumer, Javier Minguez

Power increase in the slow wave range started at 300 ms prior to the movement onset and remained until 200ms relative to the movement onset. The de-synchronization in the and bands started 400 ms prior to the movement onset and remained until the end of the movement. (d) The source localization of the underlying EEG activity averaged for all trials and participants revealed a network of activation in the motor-related and neighboring areas prior to the movement onset, and the activation of the contralateral motor cortex during the execution of the movement.
