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Time-calibrated phylogeny and ancestral range reconstruction of the subfamily Sigmodontinae.

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posted on 2014-06-25, 14:44 authored by Rafael N. Leite, Sergios-Orestis Kolokotronis, Francisca C. Almeida, Fernanda P. Werneck, Duke S. Rogers, Marcelo Weksler

Divergence ages were estimated using BEAST relaxed-clock model; node bars are 95% highest probability density credibility intervals. Pie charts represent the marginal probability of ancestral ranges reconstructed for each node of the phylogeny using S-DIVA; stripped diagonals indicate ancestral ranges of two areas and nodes with maximum probability reconstructions are downsized for clarity. Posterior clade probabilities are depicted with circles at the nodes with PP ≥ 0.95 (white) and PP ≥ 75% (gray). Node numbers correspond to fossil calibrations listed in Table S2. (A) Sigmodontinae crown; (B) Sigmodontalia; (C) Oryzomyalia.
