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The shape of trajectories and their morphological meaning in the size and shape space.

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posted on 2015-04-13, 05:02 authored by Andrea Madeo, Paolo Piras, Federica Re, Stefano Gabriele, Paola Nardinocchi, Luciano Teresi, Concetta Torromeo, Claudia Chialastri, Michele Schiariti, Geltrude Giura, Antonietta Evangelista, Tania Dominici, Valerio Varano, Elisabetta Zachara, Paolo Emilio Puddu

(A) Epicardial trajectory. (B) Endocardial trajectory. (C) Shape changes explained by the first three PC scores of epicardium. (D) Shape changes explained by the first three PC scores of endocardium. Animated GIF of these figures are in the Supporting Information as well as the corresponding figures of data transported on the shape space.
