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The minR reporter is repressed by Wnt signaling in circulating larval hemocytes.

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posted on 2014-08-21, 03:37 authored by Chen U. Zhang, Timothy A. Blauwkamp, Peter E. Burby, Ken M. Cadigan

(A–I) Micrographs of mid 3rd instar larval (∼88–96 AEL) circulating hemocyte smears from strains containing the minR reporter, P[He-Gal4] and P[UAS-GFP] and either + (A–C), P[UAS-Arm*] (D–F) or P[UAS-DisArmed] (G–I) transgenes. Activation of Wnt signaling by Arm* or DisArmed expression inhibits reporter expression in most of the circulating hemocytes. (J) Quantification of the data (see Materials and Methods) using 5 larvae for each genotype and 10–15 hemocytes per larvae. ***p<0.001.
