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The majority of the Sp2 binding sites are also bound by the heterotrimeric transcription factor Nf-y.

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posted on 2015-03-20, 04:02 authored by Sara Völkel, Bastian Stielow, Florian Finkernagel, Thorsten Stiewe, Andrea Nist, Guntram Suske

Binding sites of the trimeric transcription factor Nf-y were determined by ChIP-seq of the Nf-ya, Nf-yb and Nf-yc subunits using wt and Sp2ko MEFs. (A) Venn diagrams showing the overlap of high-confidence Nf-ya, Nf-yb and Nf-yc binding sites in wild type and in Sp2ko MEFs. (B) Venn diagram showing the overlap of Nf-y and Sp2 binding sites. (C) The strength of Nf-y binding correlates with the strength of Sp2 binding at shared sites. Normalized ChIP-seq tag counts at individual Nf-ya and Sp2 peaks were plotted against each other. (D) Representative genome browser snapshots of promoters bound by Sp2 as well as by Nf-y (Mcm3 and Pan2), only by Nf-y (Wapal and Atxn3) or only by Sp2 (Fanci and Taf1c). (E) Sequence motifs enriched at Sp2 sites also bound by Nf-y (left), at sites only bound by Nf-y (middle) or only bound by Sp2 (right). The numbers next to the logos indicate the occurrence of the motifs, and the statistical significance (E-value) [48]. (F) Central motif enrichment analysis of the motifs shown in Fig. 7E. (G) Venn diagram showing the overlap of Sp1/3, Nf-y and Sp2 binding sites. (H) Left, sequence motifs at sites that are bound by Sp1/3 but not by Sp2 and Nf-y. Right, sequence motifs at sites that are bound by Sp2 and Sp1/3 but not by Nf-y.
