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The epidemiology of dengue disease in the Philippines, 2000–2011.

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posted on 2014-11-06, 03:41 authored by Lulu Bravo, Vito G. Roque, Jeremy Brett, Ruby Dizon, Maïna L'Azou

A: The number of reported dengue disease cases and incidence per 100,000 population. B: The number of reported deaths attributed to dengue disease and CFR per 100 cases. The reported number of dengue disease cases in the Philippines fluctuated throughout the review period, with an overall increase in incidence observed over time. Peaks in dengue disease cases occurred in 2001, 2003 and 2007. Dengue disease-related deaths fluctuated, peaking in 2006. Overall, the CFR was in the range 0.5–1.2 per 100 cases and decreased after 2005. Using available data* from the DoH [5], [25][29] and the WHO [6], [16], [20], [21], [30][32]. Sources: Number of reported cases: 2000–2005: DoH 2000–2005 [25]; 2006–2007: FHSIS 2000–2009 [29]; 2008–2011: WHO data: WHO 2008 [16], 2009 [20], 2012 [31], [32] (2010 and 2011 values estimated from graph); Incidence: 2000–2007: FHSIS 2000–2009 [29]; Deaths: 2000–2005: DoH 2000–2005 [25]; 2006: DoH 2011 [28]; 2007–2010: Arima and Matsuia 2011 [33]; 2011: WHO 2012 [31] (value estimated from graph); CFR: 2000–2005: WHO 2008 [16]; 2006–2010: Arima and Matsuia 2011 [33]; 2011: WHO 2012 [31] (value estimated from graph). *Data on all dengue disease cases were not publically available from the DoH between 2008 and 2011. CFR, case fatality rate; DoH, Department of Health; WHO, World Health Organization.
