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The Visual and Auditory Stroop Paradigms.

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posted on 2013-02-20, 06:56 authored by Jihoon Oh, Mookyung Han, Bradley S. Peterson, Jaeseung Jeong

For the visual paradigm, the subjects were asked to name the color of the word in the color naming task and to read the name of the word in word reading task. Following the subject’s response and prior to the presentation of the next stimulus, a white fixation cross-hair was presented for 1000 msec. (A) Visual Stroop task. In the visual Stroop task, the subjects received a word that was either congruent, conflicting or neutral, and these types were presented in a constant ratio. The congruent stimulus is presented in the same color name of its own color, and the conflict stimulus is presented in a different color name of its own color. The neutral stimulus consists of four different words that are not related to the meaning of the color in which it is written. (B) Auditory Stroop task. The structure of the auditory Stroop task was similar to the visual Stroop task except for the stimulus condition. The word ‘left’ emanating from the left side speaker consisted of a congruent stimulus, while the word ‘left’ emanating from the right side speaker consisted of a conflict stimulus. Unlike the visual Stroop task, the fixation point was presented during both the stimulus and resting conditions to induce the subject’s eye fixation. (C) The structure of one set in the visual Stroop task. Each stimulus was presented until the subject’s response. The reaction time of all subjects was ranged from about 500 msec to 1,500 msec.


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