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Survival rates and bacterial loads in organs of intranasally immunized BALB/c mice after intranasal challenge with B. thailandensis (5 x 106 CFU).

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posted on 2015-07-06, 03:53 authored by Dina A. Moustafa, Jennifer M. Scarff, Preston P. Garcia, Sara K. B. Cassidy, Antonio DiGiandomenico, David M. Waag, Thomas J. Inzana, Joanna B. Goldberg

(A) Mice were immunized with PBS, SL3261 (vector), or SL3261/p1C3 (vaccine) via the intranasal route, then challenged. Mice were monitored for survival for a period up 150 h post-challenge. Results are represented in Kaplan-Meier survival curves and were analyzed by log-rank test. Log-rank: PBS vs. vaccine (P = 0.0031); vector vs. vaccine (P = 0.0128). Median survival: PBS, 64 h; SL3261, 84 h; and SL3261/p1C3, undefined). Results are representative of three independent experiments, five mice each. (B, C) Bacterial load in the organs of intranasally immunized mice 72 h post-challenge. All samples were plated for viable CFU on TSA and Ashdown’s agar. Each point represents a single mouse. ND indicates not detected. Data was analyzed by the Mann-Whitney U test. Nasal wash (P = 0.0012 vaccine vs. vector and P = 0.0025 vaccine vs. PBS); lung (P = 0.0043 vector vs. PBS); liver (P = 0.0043 vector vs. PBS).
