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Simultaneous recoding of field activity in the CA1-dentate gyrus axis of dorsal hippocampus.

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posted on 2015-07-06, 03:35 authored by Sean P. Flynn, Sylvain Barrier, Rod C. Scott, Pierre-Pascal Lenck- Santini, Gregory L. Holmes

For simplicity, every other trace is shown (16 total recording sites, 100 μm contact intervals). A) A typical dentate spike was depicted in the traces shown, characterized by a large amplitude, highly contoured event with a positive going waveform in the dentate gyrus. The CA1 pyramidal cell layer was located near trace 3 and the dentate granule cell layer was located near trace 9. B) An example recording depicting a characteristic response to a angular bundle stimulation. The silicon probe was located in a similar orientation to the recording shown in panel A. The CA1 pyramidal cell layer was located near trace 3 and the dentate granule cell layer was located between traces 9 and 11.
