Public Library of Science
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Scheme of the experiment for cDNA library preparation.

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posted on 2013-12-30, 03:54 authored by Nadezhda Mironova, Olga Patutina, Evgenyi Brenner, Alexander Kurilshikov, Valentin Vlassov, Marina Zenkova

Mice with intramuscularly (i.m.) implanted LLC were treated with saline or RNase A at a dose of 0.7 µg/kg for 10 days starting on the 4th day after tumour transplantation. At 1 h after the last injection, tumour tissue and blood serum samples were collected and pooled according to groups, and long and short RNA fractions were isolated. Long RNA fractions RNALTc and RNALTR were used for qPCR for the evaluation of the expression levels of miRNA processing genes. Short tumour-derived (RNASTc and RNASTR) and serum-derived (RNASSc and RNASSR) RNA fractions were used for the preparation of cDNA libraries and subsequent sequencing on the SOLiD™ ABA 3.5 platform and for stem-loop qPCR.
