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Figure 4.TIF (254.35 kB)

Scatterplots of positivity versus density indices measured by Adultraps (ADT), ovitraps (OVT), BG-Sentinels (BGS) and MosquiTRAPs (MQT) in the five study sites: CGR = Campo Grande, PNM = Parnamirim, STR = Santarém, DQC = Duque de Caxias, NIG = Nova Iguaçu.

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posted on 2015-02-10, 03:00 authored by Claudia T. Codeço, Arthur W. S. Lima, Simone C. Araújo, José Bento P. Lima, Rafael Maciel-de-Freitas, Nildimar A. Honório, Allan K. R. Galardo, Ima A. Braga, Giovanini E. Coelho, Denise Valle

Symbols: (+) data points; (lines) fitted nonlinear models. See parameters in Table S2 in S1 Text.
