Public Library of Science
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SISYPHUS screenshot of CD54 protein card.

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posted on 2015-04-20, 04:00 authored by Damaris Bausch-Fluck, Andreas Hofmann, Thomas Bock, Andreas P. Frei, Ferdinando Cerciello, Andrea Jacobs, Hansjoerg Moest, Ulrich Omasits, Rebekah L. Gundry, Charles Yoon, Ralph Schiess, Alexander Schmidt, Paulina Mirkowska, Anetta Härtlová, Jennifer E. Van Eyk, Jean-Pierre Bourquin, Ruedi Aebersold, Kenneth R. Boheler, Peter Zandstra, Bernd Wollscheid

The protein card view is displayed for CD54 detected on HBL-1 cells. Annotations from various data sources (UniProt ID, UniProt Accession, ENTREZ gene, CD), UniProt keywords, subcellular locations, functions, molecular features, and tissue specificities are displayed (if known). The peptides identified from CD54 are listed on the bottom, together with the respective peptide probabilities, charge states, and further peptide-specific information. On the right, GO annotations are displayed, and by using the button on the top (“This protein was identified in 40 Exps”) a new window can be opened, displaying other cellular species on which CD54 was found.
