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Regional ventilation and respiratory system compliance.

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posted on 2013-08-22, 02:25 authored by Günther Zick, Gunnar Elke, Tobias Becher, Dirk Schädler, Sven Pulletz, Sandra Freitag-Wolf, Norbert Weiler, Inéz Frerichs

Ventrodorsal profiles of regional tidal volume (VT) (A), regional respiratory system compliance (CRS) (C) and differences in regional VT (ΔVT) (B) and regional CRS (ΔCRS) (D) with respect to baseline (mean values ±SD in 10 animals). Panel A (VT [%]) shows the relative distribution of VT in 32 horizontal layers in% of overall VT in the chest cross-section. Panel B (ΔVT [%]) indicates the respective differences in regional VT compared with baseline. It shows a shift in ventilation toward the dorsal regions already with higher VT at time point 1 in normal lung and more pronounced shifts at points 3 through 6 with a PEEP set 2 cm H2O above the lower inflection point in acute lung injury (ALI). Panel C (CRS [ml/kg H2O]) shows regional CRS in the same 32 layers with the respective differences to baseline provided in panel D (ΔCRS [ml/kg H2O]). The differences in regional CRS indicate slightly lower and higher CRS in the ventral and dorsal regions at time point 1. Significantly lower values were found in layers 7 to 12 and significantly higher ones in layers 16 to 25 (layers counting from 1 to 32 in the ventrodorsal direction). ALI (time point 2) resulted in significant decrease in CRS in all layers. A small increase in CRS in the dorsal regions (significant in layers 23 and 24) with the decreased CRS in the ventral regions (significant in layers 1 to 17 and 27 and 28) at time point 3/5. At all other three time points, the findings were comparable. High VT, ventilation with 10 ml/kg BW, low VT, ventilation with 5 ml/kg BW.
