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Quantification of Shared Air: A Social and Environmental Determinant of Airborne Disease Transmission - Figure 3

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posted on 2014-09-02, 04:07 authored by Robin Wood, Carl Morrow, Samuel Ginsberg, Elizabeth Piccoli, Darryl Kalil, Angelina Sassi, Rochelle P. Walensky, Jason R. Andrews

Figure 3 A: Ambient parts per million of CO2 recorded at minute intervals by the logging device carried by a subject during a 24-hour period. Figure 3 B: Litres per minute of rebreathed air with additional allocation to specific locations. Litres per minute of rebreathed air were calculated for a 24-hour period (transformation from ambient CO2 levels in Figure 2A) and additionally allocated to specific locations using diary and GPS information. The volume of rebreathed shared air is represented by the area under the curve for each location visited and the daily rebreathed volume is the sum of all volumes at all locations visited.
