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Procephalothrix filiformis, confocal laserscanning (cLSM) micrographs of differently immunostained whole mounts of.

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posted on 2013-06-13, 02:29 authored by Patrick Beckers, Rudi Loesel, Thomas Bartolomaeus

a: Anti-FMRF, z-coded stack. The major lateral medullary cords (mc), some minor lateral nerves (mln) as well as a ventral nerve (vn) are visible. pn: proboscis nerves. b: Anti-FMRF. The neurites (ne) of the intraepidermal plexus are arranged in a ladder-like way. c: Anti-FMRF. On the very tip of the head is a cluster of cells showing immunoreactivity against FMRF (arrow).
