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Probabilistic tracts of amygdala connectivity for two example subjects.

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posted on 2015-04-15, 02:44 authored by Zeynep M. Saygin, David E. Osher, Kami Koldewyn, Rebecca E. Martin, Amy Finn, Rebecca Saxe, John D.E. Gabrieli, Margaret Sheridan

Probability maps are thresholded at 0.1 of maximum connection probability for each subject and overlaid on the same subject’s low-b diffusion image. These depict all possible tracts that the tractography algorithm used to connect the left and right amygdalae with all other target regions (i.e. the rest of the brain). Top images are the sagittal sections showing the slice locations for the coronal sections below for the adult subject (left column) and child subject (right column). Coronal slices progress posterior to anteriorly through each subject’s brain. Each slice corresponds to a similar anatomical location in both subjects but the match is not perfect due to differences in head orientation and anatomy. The adult and child subject show the same major pathways that are reconstructed by the tractography algorithm. However, the example child’s map illustrates more widespread connections than the adult participant’s map; e.g. to parietal and temporal regions; see 4th and 5th row from the bottom.
