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Perturbation of cortical microtubules affects XTH transcript abundance during shade avoidance.

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posted on 2014-03-04, 03:08 authored by Rashmi Sasidharan, Diederik H. Keuskamp, Rik Kooke, Laurentius A. C. J. Voesenek, Ronald Pierik

(A–E) Relative transcript abundance of five XTH genes in petioles of Col-0 plants after 24 h of white light (white bars) or green shade (gray bars) treatment with or without oryzalin pre-treatment. Values are expressed on a log2 fold scale and were normalized using AtUBQ10 as an internal control. Data points represent means ± SE (n = 5). Different letters above each bar indicate statistically significant differences (P<0.05, Tukey's b test).
