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Peptide binding on IgFLNa20–21.

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posted on 2015-08-31, 03:21 authored by Jonne Seppälä, Helena Tossavainen, Nebojsa Rodic, Perttu Permi, Ulla Pentikäinen, Jari Ylänne

A A model of three conformational states for the IgFLNa2021 mechanosensor module. The compact conformation (I) domain pair interactions are disrupted by the replacement of the A strand. In open conformations (II) the domains move freely in relation to each other, but peptide ligand binding (III) restricts the movements. B Sequence alignment of the peptides known to interact with IgFLNa21 and whose IgFLN complex structures have been determined. C Superimposition of IgFLNa21 (green) structures in complex with peptides: migfilin (yellow), β7-integrin (cyan) [16], β2-integrin (orange) [19], and CFTR (grey) [20]. Prolines (shown as sticks) at C termini bend the peptides towards the top of IgFLNa21. The conformation of the CFTR peptide is influenced by crystal packing [20].
