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Outcome of feeding a HFD and tumor induction.

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posted on 2014-12-03, 03:09 authored by Julie M. Davies, Hong-Uyen Hua, Rishu Dheer, Mitchell Martinez, Sanjoy K. Bhattacharya, Maria T. Abreu

A) Weight change over the course of the 10 week experiment. Weight change from the beginning of the experiment is plotted. Significance determined by Two-Way ANOVA compared to Ctl diet no Tx. Bonferroni post-hoc test. B) Length of excised colons was measured (cm). Bars represent means ±SD. Significance determined by unpaired t test compared to untreated dietary control. C) Tumors were visually counted in the colons of mice at the end of the treatment period. Bars represent means ±SD. Significance determined by unpaired t-test. Ctl diet AOM-DSS n = 4, HFD AOM-DSS n = 6. D) Representative electrospray ionization mass spectrometric analyses of phospholipid class. Arrows represents the internal standard. Precursor ion scan (PIS) for PC was conducted in positive ion mode with internal standard at 650.14 m/z. Precursor ion scan for PE was conducted in negative ion mode with internal standard at 742.58 m/z. Precursor ion scan for PI was conducted in negative ion mode with internal standard at 860.96 m/z. Representative neutral loss scan (NLS) for PS was conducted in negative ion mode with internal standard at 787.45 m/z. Significance demonstrated as ***p<0.001, **p<0.01, *p<0.05.
