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Opsonophagocytosis killing of B. thailandensis.

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posted on 2015-07-06, 03:53 authored by Dina A. Moustafa, Jennifer M. Scarff, Preston P. Garcia, Sara K. B. Cassidy, Antonio DiGiandomenico, David M. Waag, Thomas J. Inzana, Joanna B. Goldberg

In vitro opsonophagocytic killing of B. thailandensis E264lux using dilutions of pooled antisera collected from intranasally PBS-, SL3261 (vector)-, and SL3261/p1C3 (vaccine)-immunized BALB/c mice. Plates were read at 120 min following the co-incubation of the opsonophagocytosis assay components. Bars represent mean percentage of killing, and error bars represent the standard deviation. Data were analyzed by the Mann-Whitney U test (P<0.0005 vaccine vs. no sera; P<0.005 vaccine vs. vector).
