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Number of Tunel+ cells, 8OHDG and GFAP immunoreactivity following pre-treatment with 670 nm or 830 nm R/NIR-IT or sham treatment and light induced retinal degeneration, compared to uninjured animals.

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posted on 2014-08-08, 02:48 authored by Marcus K. Giacci, Lachlan Wheeler, Sarah Lovett, Emma Dishington, Bernadette Majda, Carole A. Bartlett, Emma Thornton, Elizabeth Harford-Wright, Anna Leonard, Robert Vink, Alan R. Harvey, Jan Provis, Sarah A. Dunlop, Nathan S. Hart, Stuart Hodgetts, Riccardo Natoli, Corinna Van Den Heuvel, Melinda Fitzgerald

Mean ± SEM total number of Tunel+ cells/retinal section (A) and number of Tunel+ cells in superior and inferior retina (B) were quantified. Mean ± SEM 8OHDG and GFAP immunoreactivities in retinal sections were semi-quantified (C): *indicates significantly different from injured control (P≤0.05), n = 6/group. Representative images of 8OHDG (green) and GFAP (red) immunofluorescence from control and R/NIR-IT treated animals are shown (D) (scale  = 200 µm).
