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Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) plot.

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posted on 2013-04-04, 01:20 authored by Delphine Durieux, Bérénice Fassotte, Maryse Vanderplanck, Jean-Louis Deneubourg, Christophe Fischer, Georges Lognay, Eric Haubruge, François J. Verheggen

NMDS ordination of the chemical profile of substrate markings for axis 1 (NMDS 1) and axis 2 (NMDS 2) according to the physiological state of the individuals that deposited it (stress value = 0.055). The group “aggregation” brings together the substrate markings deposited by overwintering ladybeetles, the group “outside” gathers the substrate markings deposited by ladybeetles collected outside (i.e., from plants) and finally, the group “March” corresponds to the deposits from individuals caught in March (individuals were not aggregated, but were found walking around in the vicinity of the overwintering site).
