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Methane production and growth of Tepidanaerobacter acetatoxydans and Methanoculleus spec. MAB2.

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posted on 2015-03-26, 02:55 authored by Bettina Müller, Shahid Manzoor, Adnan Niazi, Erik Bongcam-Rudloff, Anna Schnürer

A triplicate of co-cultures consisting of SAOB and the methanogenic partner Methanoculleus spec. MAB2 were cultivated on 100 mM acetate and SAO activity was followed by methane production, as described in the “Material and methods” section. Growth was monitored by quantification of the 16S rRNA gene by PCR in one of the cultures as described in the same section (The values obtained for T. acetatoxydans were divided by two). White square: T. acetatoxydans; white diamond: Methanoculleus spec. MAB2; filled triangle: methane production without acetate (Negative control); black square: methane production in the corresponding co-culture.
