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Memory strengthening by repeated triggering of labilization-reconsolidation modified the memory persistence.

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posted on 2013-04-26, 00:36 authored by Cecilia Forcato, Rodrigo S. Fernandez, María E. Pedreira

A) Experiment 1.A (n = 12). A.1) Experimental protocol. A three-day experiment. L1-TR, stands for the training session of the list of syllables (List 1; L1), Rc for the cue reminder, and L1-TS for the testing session of L1. Groups differ in the number or presence or absence of reminders that they received on Day 2. Group NR 7d without any reminder presentation, Group RcX1 received a cue reminder, Group RcX2 received two cue reminders. A.2) Testing Session. Mean number of total errors +/− SEM on Day 7. *,p<0,05. Black bar stands for Group NR 7d, Light Gray bar for Group RcX1 and White bar for Group RcX2. A.3) Error Type. A.3.1) Mean number of Void-Type error errors +/− SEM on Day 7. A.3.2) Confusion-type errors. A.3.3) Intralist-type errors. Symbols as above.
