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Mean plasma concentrations-versus-time plots of rifabutin (A), 25-O-desacetyl rifabutin (B), and rifabutin plus 25-O-desacetylrifabutin (C).

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posted on 2013-08-05, 03:34 authored by Junko Tanuma, Kazumi Sano, Katsuji Teruya, Koji Watanabe, Takahiro Aoki, Haruhito Honda, Hirohisa Yazaki, Kunihisa Tsukada, Hiroyuki Gatanaga, Yoshimi Kikuchi, Shinichi Oka

Nine patients of Group I received 300 mg of rifabutin and 7 patients of Group II received 150 mg of rifabutin every other day with lopinavir/ritonavir-containing antiretroviral therapy. Solid circles: Group I, open circles: Group II. Data are mean ±1 standard errors. Dotted line in Figure C represents data of Group I during 0–24 hour for reference. RBT, rifabutin; PI/r, ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor.
