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MAP1B is highly expressed in kidney podocytes.

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posted on 2015-10-08, 03:29 authored by Markus Gödel, Dunja Temerinac, Florian Grahammer, Björn Hartleben, Oliver Kretz, Beat M. Riederer, Friedrich Propst, Stefan Kohl, Tobias B. Huber

Immunofluorescence staining of kidney sections derived from adult human and rat kidney. WT1 served as a marker for podocyte nuclei. Nephrin and synaptopodin served as foot process markers. DAPI was used for staining nuclei. MAP1B is expressed highly specific in podocytes (scale for overview: 50 μm; higher magnification: 25 μm) (A,C). Expression of MAP1B during glomerulogenesis in newborn rat kidney. Glomerular differentiation advances from cortex to medulla (upper right: immature; lower left: mature) (scale for overview: 50 μm; higher magnification: 25 μm) (B). Transmission electron microscopy of kidney sections. Immunolabeling of MAP1B confirms an enrichment in areas with a dense MT cytoskeleton in primary processes and the cell body (primary processes (PP), foot processes (arrowheads), Nucleus (Nu)), glomerular basement membrane (GBM); scale: 200 nm) (D).
