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Ingenuity pathway analysis of differentially expressed human genes between disease discordant twins.

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posted on 2015-11-10, 03:28 authored by Lu Gan, Terrance P. O’Hanlon, Zhennan Lai, Rick Fannin, Melodie L. Weller, Lisa G. Rider, John A. Chiorini, Frederick W. Miller

The analysis compared 789 oligo probes corresponding to 537 human genes significantly differentially expressed (fold change >1.5, q <0.05) between twins discordant for SAID. The upper horizontal axis (blue bars) describe the association of the data set with a given pathway (-log (p value)). The cutoff threshold value (defined as p = 0.05) is shown by the vertical red line. The ratio of the number of genes from the data set that map to a given pathway divided by the total number of molecules that comprise the pathway is shown on the horizontal axis (green triangles). Previously reported viral-related signaling pathways are in bold print.
