Public Library of Science
Figure_4.tif (13.12 MB)

Immunostaining of histological sections of Tyr::CreERT2; BrafCA/+ and CMV-CreT/+; Kras+/LSLG12Vgeo adenomas (Kras+/LSLG12Vgeo 6 months) and Tyr::CreERT2; BrafCA/+; Lkb1flox/+ and CMV-CreT/+; Kras+/LSLG12Vgeo adenocarcinomas (Kras+/LSLG12Vgeo 11 months) with CC10, SP-C, E-Cadherin, Ki67, p53 and LKB1 antibodies.

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posted on 2013-06-25, 02:29 authored by Elena González-Sánchez, Juan Martín-Caballero, Juana María Flores, Javier Hernández-Losa, Javier Cortés, Roso Mares, Mariano Barbacid, Juan A. Recio

(*) indicates airways. Bars 500 µm and 80 µm for magnifications.
