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Immunohistochemical labeling for thrombospondin 1.

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posted on 2015-10-27, 03:50 authored by Harry A. Quigley, Ian F. Pitha, Derek S. Welsbie, Cathy Nguyen, Matthew R. Steinhart, Thao D. Nguyen, Mary Ellen Pease, Ericka N. Oglesby, Cynthia A. Berlinicke, Katherine L. Mitchell, Jessica Kim, Joan J. Jefferys, Elizabeth C. Kimball

Immunostaining for thrombospondin-1 shows mild scleral label (arrowheads) in water-treated fellow eye (A) and dramatically increased label in both sclera and retina of water-glaucoma eye (B). Thrombospondin 1 label was less in sclera and retina of both the losartan fellow eye (C) and losartan-glaucoma eye than the corresponding water controls (D, scale bar = 50μm; DAPI counterstain).
