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Human EOL-1 cells and K562 cells cells show tethering and adhesion to E- and P-selectin in laminar flow assays.

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posted on 2013-07-26, 02:23 authored by Daniel Wicklein, Anna Schmidt, Vera Labitzky, Sebastian Ullrich, Peter Valent, Udo Schumacher

Interactions of human CEL and CML cells from culture under laminar flow (0.25 dyn/cm2) in selectin coated channels. The cell lines EOL-1 and K562 were tested for adherence (A) or tethering (B). Given are the numbers and corresponding standard deviations of adhering and tethering cells, respectively. Channels were coated with human E-selectin (E), human P-selectin (P), murine E-selectin (mE) or murine P-selectin (mP). No adhering or tethering cells were observed in Fc control coated channels. All experiments were done in triplicates.
