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posted on 2015-07-06, 05:14 authored by Steffi Mayer, Herbert Decaluwe, Michele Ruol, Stefano Manodoro, Manuel Kramer, Holger Till, Jan Deprest

Representative micrographs of all groups (columns) obtained at x400 magnification with identical settings for each stain from the mesh-tissue interface. Meshes are invisible form degradation or processing, respectively. Inflammation is represented by the number of macrophages (first row, black arrows), foreign body giant cells (second row, black arrows) and polymorphonuclear cells (second row, white arrows), fibrosis depicted by the amount of neovascularization (second row, v vessel) as well as the amount and composition of collagen (third row, * muscle, ⏏ mature collagen, ⌃ immature collagen, ★ patch). H&E: Hematoxylin-eosin.
