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H&E staining of small bowel biopsies from patients II-2 and II-5.

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posted on 2014-10-01, 03:13 authored by Michael Wilschanski, Montaser Abbasi, Elias Blanco, Iris Lindberg, Michael Yourshaw, David Zangen, Itai Berger, Eyal Shteyer, Orit Pappo, Benjamin Bar-Oz, Martin G. Martín, Orly Elpeleg

A) Mild villous atrophy associated with a slight increase in number of intraepithelial lymphocytes, and mild chronic inflammation of lamina propria (electron microscopy not shown-normal microvillous architecture); B) the villi appear normal without lymphocytic abnormalities in the intraepithelial and lamina propria compartments. Moreover, very few plasma cells were seen, and the epithelium was devoid of abnormal apoptosis, or abnormalities of microvilli.
