Public Library of Science

Grouping patterns of 23 individuals.

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posted on 2014-12-10, 03:08 authored by Monica F. Blasi, Luigi Boitani

The Clustering eigenvector method identified 2 principal clusters: social units-1 and -2. Dolphin are identified by their ID code (PHDn, n = 1–23), age class (A =  adult, J =  juvenile and C =  calf), and sex (F =  female, F* =  females with calves, M =  male, UN =  unknown sex) Each dolphin is shown with (1) mean HWIs calculated within ( and (2) between (M.diff.) social units, (3) maximum HWI and (4) minimum HWI, (5) preferred and (6) avoided dolphins (min. HWIs), (7) residence pattern (VF: Very frequent, F: Frequent and R: Rare), (8) occurrence (%) in groups with size lower than the mean group size (GS <5.22), (9) occurrence (%) with trammel nets (TN). Male-male and female-male preferred associations (p. a.) are also shown.
