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Gene set analysis of dengue signatures.

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posted on 2015-03-13, 02:57 authored by Cornelia A. M. van de Weg, Henk-Jan van den Ham, Maarten A. Bijl, Fatih Anfasa, Fatiha Zaaraoui-Boutahar, Beti E. Dewi, Leonard Nainggolan, Wilfred F. J. van IJcken, Albert D. M. E. Osterhaus, Byron E. E. Martina, Eric C. M. van Gorp, Arno C. Andeweg

The interferon pathway (left panel) is upregulated in the early stages of dengue, but not later. Segment plots indicate the significance of enrichment of particular Reactome gene sets and pathways. The longer the segment, the larger the enrichment. All segments longer than the grey segment are significant.
