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Flow chart showing enrolment to the study.

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posted on 2013-04-09, 02:19 authored by Kheng Chheng, Michael J. Carter, Kate Emary, Ngoun Chanpheaktra, Catrin E. Moore, Nicole Stoesser, Hor Putchhat, Soeng Sona, Sin Reaksmey, Paul Kitsutani, Borann Sar, H. Rogier van Doorn, Nguyen Hanh Uyen, Le Van Tan, Daniel Paris, Stuart D. Blacksell, Premjit Amornchai, Vanaporn Wuthiekanun, Christopher M. Parry, Nicholas P. J. Day, Varun Kumar

Notes: aincluding one home palliative care; bincluding one home palliative care; cexcluded from analyses of outcome (e.g. in odds ratios); dincluded as “died” in analyses.
