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Establishment of a human lung cancer xenograft mouse model.

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posted on 2014-11-14, 02:44 authored by Jieping Yang, Fang Wei, Christopher Schafer, David T. W. Wong

To generate our xenograft lung cancer mouse model, H460 human lung cancer cells that stably express hCD63-GFP were orthotopically injected into male athymic BALB/c nude mice. CD63 immunolabeled (a, red) and GFP-postive (b, green) H460 CD63-GFP cells are shown. (c) Merge image of CD63, GFP, and DAPI staining. (d) Anti-CD63 and anti-GFP Western blot of ELMs and cell lysates from H460 CD63-GFP and H460 cells. (e) Electron microscopy images of anti-CD63-labeled and anti-GFP-labeled ELMs isolated from the conditioned medium of H460 CD63-GFP cells. Scale bar  = 100 nm. (f, g) Nude mice were intrapleurally injected with 1×106 H460 hCD63-GFP cells. H&E staining of pulmonary tumor tissue shows (f) tumor nodule attached to the pleural surface and (g) tumor nodule in the lung parenchyma.
