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Electroantennogram responses to 1-hexanol.

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posted on 2014-10-23, 03:28 authored by Simone Poddighe, Francescaelena De Rose, Roberto Marotta, Roberta Ruffilli, Maura Fanti, Pietro Paolo Secci, Maria Cristina Mostallino, Maria Dolores Setzu, Maria Antonietta Zuncheddu, Ignazio Collu, Paolo Solla, Francesco Marrosu, Sanjay Kasture, Elio Acquas, Anna Liscia

Histograms in (A) show the dose-response relationship and their differences in signal for olfactory stimulations in WT, untreated PINK1B9 and in Mpe (0.1%)- and L-Dopa (0.01%)-treated PINK1B9, recorded in flies from group II. As odor stimuli, the 1-hexanol was administered in a 3-step dose from 0.01 to 1% in hexane. Values are average + SEM. *indicates p<0.05 at one-way ANOVA followed by HSD post hoc test as compared to the previous concentration of the stimulus. **indicates p<0.05 at one-way ANOVA followed by HSD post-hoc test as compared to WT. (B) Samples of EAGs recordings in response to 1-hexanol 0.1%.
