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Effect of BAY 58-2667 and BAY 41-2272 treatment on hemodynamic parameters.

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posted on 2013-08-28, 01:39 authored by Benjamin Vandendriessche, Elke Rogge, Vera Goossens, Peter Vandenabeele, Johannes-Peter Stasch, Peter Brouckaert, Anje Cauwels

Mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) were recorded via implanted telemetry devices. (A–B) Mice were injected i.v. with 9.5–11 mg/kg LPS (E. coli), and treated i.v. with 100 µg/kg BAY 58-2667 (+3 h or +8 h) or vehicle control (+3 h or +8 h); 2 h pre- until 4 h post-treatment of data is shown (n = 4). (C–D) Mice were injected i.v. with 9.5–11 mg/kg LPS (E. coli), and treated i.v. with 100 µg/kg BAY 41-2272 (+3 h or +8 h, n = 2) or vehicle control (+3 h or +8 h, n = 1); 2 h pre- until 4 h post-treatment of data is shown. (E–F) Unchallenged mice were injected with saline (PBS), 100 µg/kg or 300 µg/kg BAY 58-2667; 4 h of data post-injection is shown (n = 4). Data are means and were compared to vehicle controls by fitting a linear mixed model (see Table S2 for fixed term statistics). ****, p≤0.0001; ***, p≤0.001; *, p≤0.05; ns = nonsignificant; trt = treatment effect and time×trt = time-treatment interaction.
