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Distribution of cases by age (in years) during previous polio outbreaks for endemic and previously polio-free countries.

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posted on 2014-12-01, 02:45 authored by Bradley G. Wagner, Matthew R. Behrend, Daniel J. Klein, Alexander M. Upfill-Brown, Philip A. Eckhoff, Hao Hu

The number of confirmed type 1 cases, mean age of infection, standard deviation of infection age, proportion of cases under five years old, and duration of case data used are in the table to right. High endemic countries are those that have sustained continuous transmission: India (IND), Afghanistan (AFG), Pakistan (PAK), and Nigeria (NGA). Low endemic areas are those that are exposed periodically to virus due to regular importations: Chad (TCD) and Niger (NER). Importation countries are those that have not reported WPV transmission since at least 2000: Democratic Republic of Congo (COD), Namibia (NAM), Tajikistan (TJK), and Republic of Congo (COG). Information compiled from multiple AFP databases maintained by WHO HQ, regional and country offices.
